The strength of Osteopathy lies in treating an individual as unique.
In every case we consider a patient as a person, in the context of their own physique and lifestyle, within the particular demands that their work and home-life place upon them.
All ages can benefit from Osteopathy. Babies can treated using gentle “cranial osteopathic” techniques.
Older children too can benefit from postural advice and help with strains suffered during growth spurts (see section Osteopathy for babies and children).
Many of our patients are adults of working age. Those undertaking heavy physical work (we see many builders and cleaners) could be expected to suffer strain and back pain from time to time, but sitting at a VDU all day or driving long distances can also lead to back pain, and problems such as various forms of repetitive strain injuries and headaches.
Elderly people can also benefit from Osteopathy and are often surprised that the stiffest joints can become more mobile and aching limbs eased. Research undertaken by the University of Sheffield* in which our practice took part, demonstrated that older patients who have other underlying ill-health problems (such as diabetes or respiratory disease) could, nevertheless, gain significant benefit from osteopathic treatment for their musculoskeletal problems.
Nobody’s problem is ever dismissed as something they must learn to live with at their age! Even those who have had symptoms for a long time (2 years or more) can do well.
Osteopathy is, of course, not a cure-all. If an Osteopath feels s/he cannot help in an individual case, s/he will say so. Every patient is re-assessed at each subsequent appointment and if either the Osteopath or the patient does not feel adequate benefit is being achieved, this will be discussed, treatment altered or curtailed, or further medical investigations requested.
Please feel free to discuss any concerns you may have with your Osteopath at any time.
However, the majority of patients do benefit from Osteopathy. The same research team from Sheffield* found high levels of patient satisfaction at the end of treatment and when followed-up 4 months later. Moreover, our own practice audit results suggest that patients perceive improvement quite quickly, usually within 1 – 4 treatment sessions, although full benefit may take longer.
* “GP-based Purchasing of Osteopathy and Chiropractic; an Evaluation of a Pilot Scheme 1996-1998” – Medical Care Research Unit, University of Sheffield.